This is what passes as humor

Since I don’t have time to write a real blog post, here’s a recent exchange on Twitter between my friend @orangeshirtguy and myself.  If you get the jokes, I feel sorry for you.

Me: I like using sed commands in IM and then berating people when they have no idea what I’m talking about.

OSG: @FunnelFiasco to them, it’s just a case of he sed, she sed.

Me: Quick. Someone give me a witty rejoinder using the word ‘awk’ RT @orangeshirtguy: to them, it’s just a case of he sed, she sed.

Me: Better late than never? @orangeshirtguy don’t you think that joke was a bit `awk`ward. Perhaps you should `tr`y harder next time?

OSG: A nano second too late. I don’t need to vi for attention, I’m leet to th emacs.

Me: @orangeshirtguy > /dev/null

OSG: @FunnelFiasco: Not just “@osg >/dev/null”. That’s *nix fail. Try “cat @osg > /dev/null”. Have to have the cat, ‘cos OSG’s a cool cat.

Me: @orangeshirtguy not fail. I gave you the ol chmod a+x because I want you to be executed.

OSG: @FunnelFiasco : I gnu you would get mvious.. You must get a grep on yourself…

Me: @orangeshirtguy You don’t need to be such a cranky Gnome. I think it’s time to put this thread on IceWM. Surely you can CDE that point?

OSG: This is more like it. Vim and vi.gore.

OSG: @funnelfiasco Listen to me, mac, OS I’ll have to bash you to illustrator my point, and you’ll be a shell of your former self.

Me: @orangeshirtguy quit trying to stall, man. You’re de Raadt and you know it. Maybe you should go grab your blanket like Linus.

OSG: @funnelfiasco niiiiiice -20! should we kill -9 this thread and GBTW? It could get troff if I spend the rest of the day doing this.

Me: @orangeshirtguy [509 bcotton devo ~ ]$ niiiiiice -20! -bash: niiiiiice: command not found

And then @johnjanitor had to cap it off with: @orangeshirtguy @funnelfiasco please don’t shutdown now, it is not the 2nd tuesday yet. continue or cancel?

I could never get the hang of Thursdays

The e-pocalypse seems to be upon us. This morning I tried to upgrade my MacBook to 10.5.8 and it’s been “booting” for the past 45 minutes or so. The evolution-exchange backend keeps failing on my Linux box so I can’t get to my e-mail (interesting side note, it also crashes Pidgin). Twitter and Facebook were down, although Facebook seems to be back now. I feel so isolated!

I’m Twitter-pated

A while back, I decided to register a Twitter account.  I had no intention of using it, but I figured since it’s free, I might as well squat on my domain name.  Last week, I was having some problems with the IRC chat for the Mario Marathon, so the only way I had to interact with the guys was to use my Twitter account.  So I did.  Then on Sunday and Monday, I was in front of the camera reading the tweets.  Much to my surprise, people began following my account.

“Listen, you guys, I’m not very exciting,” I’d protest.  It made no difference.  As of this writing, there are 200 people out there who feel the minutia of my life is worth following.  Since I’m a sucker for attention, I had no choice but to start actually using it.  OMG, I’m in love.

Twitter has allowed me to feel emotions that I never thought I could.  For example, on Wednesday Wil Wheaton was having problems with his iPod.  I felt so bad for him.  I mean, as a kid, I totally wanted to be Wesley Crusher, and here I am now watching him suffer through the misery that is a misbehaving electronic device.  Fortunately, some of the other hundreds of thousands of people who follow him were able to give him advice on how to fix it.  I am happy to say that Wil’s iPod now works.  Without Twitter, I’d never have been able to get on this roller coaster.

At first, the idea of microblogging seems rather silly.  But it can be a lot of fun, and it’s certainly easier to catch up on 30 tweets than it is to catch up on 30 full blog posts.  And tweets are more like a slow conversation than a lecture, which makes it easier to form e-bonds with people.

So I have to say that I’m rather fond of my followers, and I’ll try not to be too boring for them.  The hard part will be trying not to become addicted.  It may be too late already.