My friends and I are lame. Not in the literal sense, but in the “omg, you’re so lame!” sense. We find little things to glom on to and then glom away. Possessive pronouns and recursive acronyms (e.g. ATM machine) are two of our favorites. It is with great amusement, then, that I wander the clothing section of my local Meijer store. Let’s take a look…

This is the clothing section for boys. Note that because of the use of the plural form, you can find clothing for not one boy, but multiple.

Young ladies can find their wear here. As with the boys, there is clothing here for multiple children.

Once again, we see the use of the plural form of the noun for infants and toddlers. So far, the store has been very consistent.

Juniors is silly term, in my opinion. Regardless, it is a plural noun and all is right with the world.

Uh oh. Here's a change. Instead of using the plural, like in other sections, they opt for the plural possessive.

Hmm, now we're back to plural. I'm a little confused by this, maybe the next sign will make everything clear?

Here we go. Oh wait. What's this? Singular and not possessive? It seems more like Meijer is yelling "WOMAN!" like some sexist jerk. For shame, Meijer, for shame.