I recently announced a major change in my life — being accepted to graduate school. I’m now ready to announce another big change — fatherhood.
With school and a newborn on the horizon, I’m going to have a lot less time to do things like blog. I’ve considered my options, and come up with a plan to redistribute my effort. I’ll continue writing twice-weekly posts on my Journal and Courier weather blog (although that may end up dropping to once-weekly). Blog Fiasco will no longer have twice-weekly updates, but instead will be updated as I come up with posts. The Beonard’s Losers feature during college football season will probably not happen again next year. It’s fun, but it takes a lot of time and effort to write and record in the appropriate manner.
By making these changes, I can hopefully continue to meet my responsibilities at home, at work, and in school, as well as my commitment to the Fedora project.
All of this, of course, is subject to change.