What was I writing when I wasn’t writing here?
Stuff I wrote
Fedora/Red Hat
- FPgM report: 2019-09, 2019-10, 2019-11, 2019-12, 2019-13
- Two new policy proposals — Turns out the Fedora Council didn’t have a policy for updating policies.
- Managing changes in open source projects — I turned my DevConf.cz talk into an article. If you’re looking for a process to manage changes to your project, this article gives you some suggestions.
Lafayette Eats
- Bru Burger Bar — Lafayette’s newest burger restaurant is off to a great start.
- Fishya — Lafayette has more sushi restaurants than you might expect.
Stuff I curated
Fedora/Red Hat
- Stories from the amazing world of release-monitoring.org — A Fedora contributor shares the past, present, and future of “the new hotness”.
- Moving from fedmsg to fedora-messaging — The Fedora Infrastructure team is working to improve the messaging platform.
- Contribution opportunity! Quick docs! — Contributing to documentation sometimes requires an investment, but the Fedora quick docs are a good starting point.
- AskFedora refresh: we’ve moved to Discourse! — Platform migrations are fun!